Keeping Up With The Joneses is an action comedy film which stars Gal Gadot, Jon Hamm, Isla Fiser and Zach Galifianakis. The film's plot is about a family called the ...
The first Avatar film was released when 3D was hitting cinemas all over the world in a massive way, giving film fans a whole new cinema experience but thanks to ...
Well it looks like 20th Century Fox are in the process of beginning development on a new Fantastic Four movie. The news comes after recent rumours surfaced stating that Fox ...
Well it looks like Marvel fans can be happy because it has been confirmed that Sony's Venom, Black Cat & Silver Sable films are all set to be part of ...
One of the most anticipated films of 2017 has finally arrived, being released in cinemas everywhere. Logan has been a film which many superhero fans have been excited about seeing ...
The next chapter in the X-Men film franchise "X-Men: Apocalypse" is known to be one of the most anticipated films of 2016 and has finally been released in cinemas with ...
Last year Marvel fans went all crazy when hearing about the agreement deal which Sony had made with Marvel which would allow Spider-Man to show up on the big screen ...
The X Men franchise is known to be one of the most successful superhero franchises but since the launch of the Marvel Cinematic Universe the X Men franchise has gotten ...
The Deadpool film is set to have its second weekend at the box office. The film has become a huge hit and currently sits at $196.6 million domestic, $153 million ...
With a successful release and meeting every single fan's expectations, X Men: Days of the Future Past was a big hit in 2014 making us all excited to see what ...